Friday, September 08, 2006


See those 2 chips there? The orange one is about 1.25 in. wide, and 1.375 (11/8) in. tall. The other one, same height and an inch wider. These 2 small devices can now unlock all the power within my DS Lite. I can now play music, movies, homebrew games (games that regular people, not companies, programmed themselves), and run Linux off of this!

Also, I can technically use this to run games that you can buy, but are downloadable off the internet (i.e. I never have to buy a game again). BUT I WON'T, as I plan on supporting companies for making a good game (for instance, I still gotta go out and buy Big Brain Academy, and whenever Yoshi's Island 2 comes out, it's mine!) Unfortunately, I can't use them until I get my little memory card on Monday. In total, everything has cost me around $150, which is a little more than buying a whole 'nother DS Lite! X-D Oh well.

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