Friday, May 04, 2007


Well, I'm gonna share some of my recent PC activities, which may be a nice change from my usual "I hate mosquito rants". Although, FYI, I got bit 12 times in the past few days, in odd patterns. It's a line of 3 bites each, going up both cheeks, a line down my neck, and then a line across the middle of my forehead, each one consisting of 3 bites. Really weird stuff. Anyway...


You know what? I think I forgot most of the stuff. :P You see, I wrote that above paragraph one day, and had to save it because I had to do something...and now, 3 days later, I try to finish this darn post (which I know was gonna be pretty big) and can't remember what the heck I was gonna say...darn it.

So, I'll start with:

I've been playing some more Supreme Commander lately. I bought that game a while ago, and had played a couple times, but now I play about every other day. It's really awesome (and works so beautifully on my new machine) and I've won a couple multiplayer battles. Although in the past few days I've been trying to finish the campaign (single-player) mode. I probably shoulda taken a screenshot...:P

I've also been doing some WINE work in Linux. WINE creates a type of translation layer to Linux, converting Windows functions and calls to use native Linux ones, so that it can run programs. The developers have done an amazing job at getting DirectX stuff into the code, and I've been able to get Battlefield 2, Total Annihilation, and Soldat to run in Linux quite well, though Supreme Commander gets an error during install for some reason...

I installed the new Ubuntu Feisty 4.07 on a spare 80GB I had, so it has plenty of room. I have it all nice and setup now with Beryl and everything. I should get a screenshot of that too...;)

I also am working on some art stuffs...but I will post all those pictures (and some more stuff on a recent trip we had) in another post...

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