Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Boy. I've been nothing but abusing my tablet for the past weeks! Since the beginning of August I've been doing some commission work, drawing animations, comics, and I'm doing sigs again and a few other commissions! I've made about $100 in the past 5 weeks (not including the job from my dad, which I've yet to hear about my payment) which is pretty cool. Especially since I needed it this holiday as a bunch of games I need to buy are coming out. Have I mentioned which? Let's see:

Battalion Wars (in Sept.)
Supreme Commander Expansion? (maybe. Also in Sept.)
Super Mario Galaxy (Nov.)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Dec.)
Frontlines: Fules of War (Jan. 08)
Mario Kart Wii (Jan. 08)

That's the list I have in my head, I'm sure there is something coming out on the DS as well. Either way, the holiday is gonna burn holes in my pocket. :D

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