Thursday, March 31, 2005

Template change and stuff...

Almost done with school, and I'm starving because I forgot to take my 10AM snack! You know, I wake up and eat breakfast at 6:30AM, have Lunch at noon, but I have to have a snack at approximately 10AM or the hunger gets to me! My stomach is so syncronized. :D Maybe I could go fill a bowl of rice from the pot...

Anyway, as you can see, I had a template change. And if you hadn't seen my blog before...then ignore what i just said. :)

Lastly, I tried Cedega last night again without success. So I gave up on the CVS thing and just got a deb package off of eMule. :P We'll see how this works out.

*runs off to finish this Life Management lesson

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Just testing out this new imagehost... pplz, is free, looks cool, and their logo is an awesome yellow frog! :D Here's my current linux desktop, running KDE.

Free Image Hosting at

Dream come true...

I'm getting a laptop. Thank God, omg, I've wanted one since forever. This thing pwnz and is probably more powerful than my desktop :D

1.7 Pentum M
512 DDR2
GeforceGo 6800 *giggles in excitement*
60GB HDD @ 7200 RPM
High resolution (1920x1200) Truelife display! (you know, those laptops with the glossy type screen, which looks super cool!)
wireless stuff
other stuff

YESSSS!!!! OMG0rz! Things to install...linux, battlefield, firefox, thunderbird, and maybe some more games. WEEE!!!1 I can't wait till it gets here! :D

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Average day...

Wake up, do school, go to work, come back home and play in Linux. Well, I usually play Battlefield 1942 and practice with some tournament friends, but today I decided to try and get Battlefield to work in Linux. It ain't easy lemme tell you, gotta try some more tonight. You see, for gaming to work in Linux, you pretty much need to use Cedega, a fork of the popular Wine application, which lets you run Windows apps on Linux. Cedega however has many code alterations and stuff, specifically in the DirectX 9 region, which is used in most games nowadays. Anyway, I found a nice script on the Linux-gamers site, and attempted to install it. However, by night's end, I could not figure out why the install didn't work. I found out I also didn't have Wine or CVs, which I got afterwards, tried again, but still to no avail...

I'm also trying to use a simpler method of installing games with Grapevine, a nice free version of Point2Play.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Well, I couldn't wait :P

Yea yea, I said April 6th. too bad, I installed Ubuntu Saturday, and have finally got it all nice and clean, working with a custom kernel (I actually compiled myself! 2.6.10-686 woot) and the freaking Radeon drivers (what hell you gotta go through to install those things and have 3d acceleration working). Also everything updated to latest Hoary Hedgehog packages. Yea, and not on the other hard drive either (well...I did, but I installed it on mine too, so I'm on a Dual boot with it and WinXP) because I broke my Knoppix. I tried upgrading my previously installed 3.4 to 3.7, but it turns out the 3.7 install didn't have the internet working :P So scrapped that and installed Ubuntu. Never thought I'd acutally like a Gnome-based distro, buts its so clean and fast. Even though I did install XFCE which loads even faster. Its amazing, less than 3 seconds to boot my desktop and stuff, of ourse I gotta wait that 1 minute while everything linux loads all the drivers and stuff. I gotta figure out a way to cut down those load times too...

I've also messed with the blog template a bit and added 2 links! Of course more to come Soon :)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Prepping up the stuff!

Ok guys, first distro that will be tested out will be the final Hoary release from the Ubuntu! This will be out April 6th, so I'll be preparing this external harddrive to see if I can use that as the main hdd for Linux. I rather not be opening my case and swapping cables back and forth with the harddrives, if I can just plug in this USB one to boot from it ;)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Oh noes! And the penguin the night...

Yea, so I think I figured it out. This summer I'll be posting about my adventures in Linux. I will be using this spare 15GB HDD I got here and test the crap out of it. I'll be burnin' a lot of CD's, testing, installing a mess load of distros, and then tell you all this useless info on install time, usability, and stuf! :D

Just a little info on my specs for future references:

2.8Ghz Prescott
80 GB HDD (tho a 15GB will be used for Linux testing)
2 CD drivers, top DVD, bottom CD-R/RW
Radeon 9800 Pro
And another computer that my Linux distro should be to see on network!

We'll see how everything goes. I've played with Knoppix quite a bit, even have my comp in dual-boot with it. And I've become quite attached to Debian distros. If another one impresses me, it'll definitely be worth a look!