Wednesday, April 27, 2005


If you ever played Total Annihilation...
Spring ownz j00...


OMG...I've waited for this for years...AAAHHH!!! :D

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Eyes burn!

I've been awake for almost 24 hours...woopee...I'm hungry, and I can't fall asleep...BAH! Time for some more Green Ball! :D

Friday, April 22, 2005

Comics or something...

Yea, now that I have a full set of art stuff (tablet pad, scanner, Photoshop, Streamline (raster to vector) and the might pencil and pen) I'm gonna try to draw some comics for 21CW. The comic will probably be called "Just Deserts" (you know? When you get "your just desserts" but this is desert, as in the dry barren place on not ice cream, since 21CW is based in the Gulf War....desert...:P) and I'll prob start a separate blog for it...:)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

They are here!!!

Scanner and router arrived, already installed scanner drivers and I got a nice WPA-secured wireless network going :D

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Soldat map, by me!

Yup! Just join my server people! Custom made map for Soldat based on my Stealth cartoon! :D

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Part 3.5:

Yes, I'd just like to mention a couple more people! :D

Marter: Marter is the guy, who even though he's on your team, you just have to kill. Everyone TK's (team kills) Marter for unknown reasons, apparently he enjoys that or something. I know we all do! :D

Bubba: Bubba was our General last campaign and is not...a Sargeant Major I believe. He and Marter have been playing old games for a long they are old...and Bubba has the funniest I'm-gonna-lose-mybreathe type laugh ever! I don't know how he does it.

Oz: Oz was our Captain, and is now a Major or something! He's a bad ICV driver, but a heck of a tanker (people who drive tanks! You gotta understand that one).

Saptiva: 1 of the...I believe its 4 girls, in the whole Opposition side. Yes, ladies play Battlefield too :P Saptiva is killer with a PKM and she's recently become the Ninja company's captain! We all love Saptiva, and if you check out my sig, I have fun sneaking up and knifing her quite a bit!

Bleh: Is still a noob, a poor poor college boy or something, but hey, if you need to Google something and happen to have a paypal account, sign up and use this one! :D

and's my sig that was mentioned...

I wub you Newegg...

I just bought my DGL-4300 Wireless Gaming Router:

and my Canon Canonscan Lide 35:

WOoWoo! Now I'll have wireless on the laptop, I'll have a network that finally won't lag me in Battlefield when...let's say, the fat girl over doesn't go onto some turtle forum, aaannd I'll now be able to scan in my drawings. ^_^ Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Part 3?

Aight, I'm just gonna give a rundown on my closer teammates and stuff, incase I ever mention em to ya! ;)

Casbar: Casbar's a New Zealander who is living in England at the moment. He has a wife who is great at math (apparently, he says she knows more than him), and 2 little girls. Casbar is the Arty guy in the tournament and he's pretty much my best competition. I'e played Battlefield since it came out, and simply put, I'm good at it. I will take anyone, anyday, in anything, just for the challenge, and usually I'll win. I always get into the top 10 in a public server, and usually pop in to the top 3. Casbar is pretty much the only one who can stop me! He's learned almost all of my tactics that I use on him. For instance, we play on the TNT server ll the time, as it is our favorite server. Its a modded CTF server with flying (or just, extremely good nitro eqipped) DPVs, humvees, and strikers. You'll always find me driving the DPV with nitro flyin and me trying to capture the flag. Now, pretty much the only time I can cap it, is if Casbar is dead or distracted. He's memorized most of my entry points, he knows that if he doesn't see me for a certain amount of time, I must be in a helicopter or something, taking an extremely stealthy approach (which is no longer stealth yas he knows already :P), and he's just a killer with the Bradley. Casbar's so much fun to play with, and his evil laughter just adds to the adrenaline rush for the next attempt to capture the flag! :D A problem I have when capping the flag, is that instead of acutally capturing the flag like I'm suppose to, if I see Casbar sitting in the SCUD or a Shilka for instance, I'll forget the flag, boost my DPV straight into him, and usually kill him as my DPV flips and flies back on its tires!

Easygreen: Easygreen is like...the Michael who lives across the oceans. We "hate" each other with this sort of brotherly love type thing. We talk smack about each other, about how we're gonna pwn each other or something, how each of us suck at this or that, and then I get him to shut up by just knifing him. ^_^ Easygreen is a great sniper, who loves killing me and who gets all the he says...;) Easygreen and his good friend Nipz will be coming from England to visit me in July! Hope I can drag em to youth group so I can introduce yall to them :)

Agent_Death: I call him Agent, is one of the youngest (13 years old I think) player in 21CW. We're great buds and he's a great companion when trying to cap the flag on TNT. He calls me a monk for some reason, he has parakeets that are too loud, and he has a faster connection (like 3+ mbits) but slower comp (Geforce 5700) than me. I try and help out Agent too, give him advice on things in his life whenever possible, and he's just a cool little guy.

Smitty: Ok, this is the weirdest thing that could've happened. Smitty is a 14 (15?) year old who is homeschooled, goes to church, plays Battlefield, and who just HAPPENS to live 30 mintues north of me in Boca Raton! :D I couldn't believe it when I heard all that after playing with Smitty for a while. I'm not sure how we met, but it sure was quite the surprise. Smitty, like he says, "Is the little brother I never wanted" and I'm "the brother he never had", or something like that. He's a single child who loves he word "spaz" and he's just great fun to kill ingame. We also like playing Soldat a lot, and Smitty is just such a find. :)

Bleh: He's a noob

And if any of you 21CW guys read this, don't worry, you're still graet people even if I didn't mention you! :P I just can only type so much...

Anyway, that's enough typing for me...I can't believe I actually wrote about half of all this, only to lose it as the Blogger "Save Draft" button brought me to an error page, and then having to write it again >_<

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Division & Companies

Ok, so here's pretty much how it goes:
There are two teams...Coalition (Americans) and Opposition (Iraqi). I'm on Opp. side (yea yea, whatever, the Coalition guys are a bunch of punks :P). Then from those teams, each team has 2 divisions. That's 4 in total. On Opp side there are the 2SA (2nd Syrian Army) and 10AD (10th Armoured Division). I'm on 10AD. Everyone uses a nickname, and as usual, mine is Stealth. Anyway, from each division, its split up into a couple of companies. IN 10AD we have Al-nida (may company), Republican Guard, Fedayeen, Ninja, Artillery, and Zubayr (our Air Force). Anyway, what my 1337 company usually does is within the region of spec-ops or assualt missions within our point. Sometimes we may be called to bail from a helicopter (this nice chunky bird we call the Hippo :D) onto a point and capture it. We get a custom map every battle (which we have every week). The map has a certain amount of points (like, areas to capture) taht we need to get. If we control more than hlaf the other team "bleeds". You see, in the beginning of that round for the map, we have a certain amount of tickets. Lets say...700. Now from that amount, you lose 1 for very kill, and if you get the other team bleeding, it means that they are losing 1 ticket at a constat rate (of about a couple of seconds). Just reread that till you understand because I think I almost lost myslef in that! :D Ok, gotta go to practice! I will explain more tomorrow...PART 3!

Me and my tournament...

Just a little explanation to yall and what I do most of the time.
I play a FPS called Battlefield 1942. The game is extremely fun, even though it came out back in 2002. Obviously graphics are aging and such, but its just too much fun. Especially because I always play Desert Combat. Desert combat is a mod for Battlefield, which simply put, modifies the game from a World War 2 scenario to a more modern Gulf War based time. Now, after playing DC (Desert Combat)a while, I had a friend named "Thunder" from a Total Annihilation forum who also played DC. I had sent him a CD Image (its like burning a CD, but the CD isn't a physical copy, but a file on your computer, which you can then burn onto a CD again. I had to do this because Thudner lives in England!) since he had lost his. After playing around with DC for some weeks (pretty much illegally, as he also used a No-CD crack) he bought the game. He had also invited me to a tournament he had found called 21st Century Warfare. I eventually joined, hearing his voice over Teamspeak for the first time, and actually talking with my voice to other people online for the first time. Anyway, thats pretty much how I started in 21CW (as we call it for short). I've been playing for 3 campaigns now, probably since...before the middle of last year. I'll post a bit more about how it works, times, and my team later on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I haven't posted in 3 days? Man...why? o_O

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Just a small post...

Going to bed as soon as this spanish-translated version of "Getting even with Dad" is over. :P I gota a buncha cool stuff from Justin today, and I'm gonna mess with it tomorrow and see what I can do. :) Giselle got her first DVD of anime, or rather a collection of videos from Justin. I'm scared now, because she's gonna go crazy and then be all up in Ragnorak or sumthin! ^_^

Saturday, April 09, 2005

We killed it...

EeARrGhHAH! Today was painful...we worked from 10 AM to...6:30 PM? Just doing lawn stuff! Uprooting some bushes, mowing lawn, and trying to get a pressure cleaner to work for an hour! It didn't work, so the main thing that we would've done today has been pusponed for a fututre date. >_< Right now I'm watching "Flight of the Phoenix" and talking to Sheena and Justin on meh laptop! ^_^

Friday, April 08, 2005

More Soldat...

I got even more friends (Bleh and Chaos if you must know) to download and install Soldat. Yesterday. OMG what fun! I played with those 2, Nipz, Smitty (who I will probably explain about some other time, but this dude was quite a find), and Giselle. So a nice 6 people game going on my server. Boy, Giselle really owned all of us. There were bullets flying everywhere, I had a couple nice nife throws, and it was just so much fun hearing Smitty and Chaos react to their death! :D Anyway, I'm downloading the new Kubuntu 5.04 Final which I'm gonna install on the laptop. Which reminds me, I gotta boot into Ubuntu again as there must be a bunch of updates waiting for installation. But after all that I'll be on my Soldat server. Which, if you ever wanna play on it, just head on to the Soldat Server page, press Ctrl-F or something to search for a word, type in "Stealth" and you should see a server called Stealth's Server. Just click and if you have Soldat installed, it should launch it up and join automatically!

Thursday, April 07, 2005


I woke up, and there was a laptop on my desk, and I wasn't dreaming! *giggles*

Thank God, seriously man, you guys don't know (or you may!) HOW LONG I've wanted a laptop...and then I find this and get an awesome deal and configuration. W00t W00t!

ANYWAY...just like to let you Youth Groupians that the REEL Ministry Forums has had a nice little makeover, very nice and clean interface I must say. And ya gotta love the icons on top! (I know that usergroups icon is from Linux's KDE UI! :D)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Installing stuff as I type... Posted by Hello

*hallelujah music plays Posted by Hello

Pure beauty... Posted by Hello

It has been delivered...thank God... Posted by Hello

Hello Picasa!

Ok, this is just a little test with Google's Picasa and Hello programs, to add photos to blogs! This image was made in Photoshop, which I made by following a tutorial somewhere...^_^ Posted by Hello

UPS said so...

According to my tracking number, my laptop is to arrive today. Being the civilized man that I am, I will not sit on the mailbox all day waiting for him, but I will calmy sit next to my door and walk back and forth to the window to see if he has come. And if he hasn't come by the end today, I'll just have to raid the UPS headquarters...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


You're gonna see a bunch of template changing going around, until I can find out how to make my blog look good in Firefox and IE...

I can't seem to post images wider than the width of this column! Oh well, I'll just be posting smaller images or thumbnails more often...

Soldat fun!

Yay, I actually got Julen to download and install the game Soldat. If you've never played it, its a cool 2d game, with soldiers with an arcade scrolling shooter type gameplay.

The graphics aren't super awesome 3d or anything (tho screenshots don't do it any justice either, you gotta play it in fullscreen and it looks a lot cooler), but the gameplay is just fun. Atleast for when ya got nothing to do! :D Anyone who has it should message me so that we can setup a time to play. I can host a server if needed. Also, I made a program for it that allows you to switch mods and stuff. They have a HALO mod for it, WW2 themed mod, and all different types. Really cool!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I've been attacked!

Boy, I got about 13 bites across my left arm, feeling like 3 or so on each leg, and about 6 or more on my neck! They're so itchy too! Boy, I won't be going to a beach again anytime soon. :P

And in other news, I got a cellphone. So on Friday, I'll prob be asking all you youth pplz for your numbers and taking pics of you! :D

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Freaking paper cups made of paper...

Woo, I got quite a bit to say, let's see if I can get it all out before I have to leave to my cousin's (Vanessa) 18th birthday party. Yea, I don't believe it either...

Anyway, yesterday at work, was Friday. And every Friday they bring us donuts. So as usual I scarf down a donut, only to realize that the water machine (the one with the red and blue flippy switches) next to me has no cups. Great. So, with the super creative mind mankind was given, I used my imagination to make myself a cup from some paper I grabbed on a desk. Now, I don't know origami or anything, so my first attempt at this was a simple cone. I had to bend the bottom up, because I couldn't tighten the paper enough to close at the tip. Now, if you've ever folded paper into a cone, you'll see the problem I ran into. As I poured the water in, and it stayed in, I brought it up to my lips, only to see that this isn't some even surface. Part of the cone was stickick up like some spear, while the other folded down a bit. Fold a paper into a cone to see what I'm talking about. Either way, I was thirsty so I just chugged it down, and spilled a bit on my shirt.

Later on, after I finished my 15 minute break, I got thirsty again. This time, I made a better cone, bending the bottom tip up higher, and folding the top section nicely into an even cup type shape. This worked great and I had another cup of water.

The problem, with this is...this water hurt. After my first drink, it felt like a paper cut my tongue or something, or atleast a little (if it was a full paper cut, I'd probably scream in agony). So I thuoght that with my second attempt I'd be more careful. No. It must've been the paper or something, but my tongue hurt more, and soem pain shot up through the left side of my neck, and up into my ear. Not right away, but a small sting some minutes later. I feel better today, except my throat is still a little sore, but man, what the heck do they put in paper these days? Freaking chemicals...

Also, last night at youth group was awesome. It was great to see how people got closer to God and stuff, and how the Lord moved his spirit through the youth group so powerfully during the fire tunnel. I thank God for everything he's done for us, and everything he will do. I hope we continue growing like this, and that we can glorify him as much as possible in our daily lives.

Friday, April 01, 2005

GAH! teh frustration...

I downloaded the Cedega and Point2Play debs, to try and make everything as easy as possible for installing Battlefield under Linux. What crap man...Battlefield gives me some Installshield error in cedega, Point2Play is uglier than I thuoght, and again, I failed to install BF. I'm pretty sure this works fine under regular Wine, but regular Wine will not play 3d stuff...maybe I need to install it with Wine, then use Cedega to run the .exe? I don't know, either way, after reading through some posts at the Transgaming website, it appears people have a lot of problems in BF that are unresolved. They mainly deal with the newest patch (1.61, which you must have to play online) and punkbuster (which most servers have online, so if that doesn't work, you're screwed too). So...I think I'll have to wait for Wine to completely implement these nifty DirectX 9 patches.