Thursday, December 29, 2005

Yellow Mello

Ow! You know, I hate these behind the ear headphone things, they're good in the way they don't pull my hair like other headphones, but they suck cuz they rest on the top of my ear and start cuasing me pain. :P

Anyway, I've been doing so many signatures or people in the's crazy! I've been offered free webhosting, $15, and have gotten Soldat registered! :D

I've also been messing in Python lately, working on a dominoes game. So far its plan Python, everything being text based, but I'm sure I can get an actual interface once I'm done figuring out the basics on this stuff :)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

One word...


Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I write this as I rip my hairs out, trying to get my Christmas animation, which is due Friday, ready by getting the music to work properly across the scenes. It has to change volume in one, come back to normal in another, without affecting other sounds in the same scene. What a pain. -.-

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Hey guess what? I don't have work for the next week and a half. Atleast. Meaning I have one full week of Winter break awesomeness!

Anyway, uh...I caught a stomach bug yesterday. Barfed for the first time in some 8+ years. I forgot how crappy you feel while you do that.

Today I am much better, but my nose is all stuffed up and I feel a little light-headed or something, probably from al lthe mucus en mi cabeza!

I gotta start working more on that Christmas animation I have planned for my comic...I'm only about 1/4 done with it, and I need it by the 23rd. I'll probably get all of it done during that first days of the awesome school+workless week.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Ahhh...another Monday. Don't ya love em?

Well, I can say I'm excited this week. First off, I will be doign school all week with the great anticipation for Winter Break to start next week. I can't wait...

Second, I'll be very happy to talk to Nipz again. Nipz is another British dude who had gone off to college in the past months, and who had to leave the tournament because of bandwidth issues over there. Luckily, he gets a winter break too, so I'll be able to talk to him on Friday. Plus he claims to be able to move somewhere with proper broadband in some months or less, so that's good news too.

Third...I haven't seen today's Strong Bad...

Fifth, there is no fourth

And lastly, Mike's b-day was a blast. I bowled a 205 (best ever), wore pink, saw Michael drowning (or imagining it? I dont remember :D), and saw how bad Paula would enterring a gating community (lol). What a day...whoever wasn't there is hereby grounded.

Uhm, ok, I'm gonna finish my science...countdown to winter break, 4 days, 15.5 hours...

Friday, December 09, 2005

Come in now and get no interest for 24 months...

No, a Best Buy commercial was just on. Anyway, what do I gotta say, um, I had so much in my mind yesterday, unfortunately when I sleep almost all that stuff gets cleared. We're almost to the end of our first official BF2 campaign. Sign ups will be sometime next year in January I guess, if ya wanna join. ;) Uhm...I have...forgotten everything...I was gonna write. Well that sucks, I guess I'll just explain that alien thing.

Ok, this is just incase some other people read this: I am a Christian, I believe in God, I believe he created this whole world and universe, and so I also believe in the angels he created. I also believe he had to cast a third of em, and they, as you know em, are the devil and his demons.

Anyway, I don't know if you guys have ever read a part where it says that fallen angels actually mixed with the seed of a woman or something. That's how the "giants" in the Promise Land supposedly came about. They were...strange human beings. Anyway, it's no surprise that nowadays, with all these technologies, some scientists may have messed with a lot of genetics and animals and humans and...just...some really crapped up stuff. So, this is what I think any future aliens will be. I think that very soon, the government may say SOMETHING about aliens and that they may exist or some crap like that. Please don't believe that. You know how you here "Intelligent Design" from some people in government, I think they're referring to these supposed "aliens". Why do all this? This is probably the way they will begin to introduce the anti-christ. Somehow, aliens are gonna be part of his...rule? Of him being here, he's gonna use them somehow. A small proof, and one you may not want to believe comes straight from the TV. Have you noticed that flux of new alien series? That, "Invasion" and that other one on CBS. In fact, they showed "Mars Attack" over the weekend, and I was like "omg, that's so old". I think the media is just trying to start desensitizing people for this. It would make sense to do it right? Anyway, I don't care if you think I'm crazy, this will probably happen within some months or less, if it does, please remember this, if it doesn't...well, it will eventually. Just don't forget what I've posted...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Haven't been here in a while...

I plan on updating more around here after a large inactivity. Why? I don't know...BECAUSE I FEEL like it...

In summary of what's happened in the past months:

I got my job back (God even TOLD me he would, sweet ey?)
I am still hungry, eating rice all the time, and the same weight/height
Comics are going fine, opened shop and have mad like...$23 total since it opened in...August or September, can't remember (EY A RHYME!)
I wasted $25 on BF2: Special Forces (gosh Bubba is so wise :P)
And...aliens are coming! (maybe...more on that later ;D)

That is all...