Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I have another coming...soon...;)

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Ok, I said I was going to write and here it is!

What is apparently on every teenagers mind these days? How 'bout someone of the opposite gender. I see a bunch of people, including many of my friends from youth group, getting into relationships with people and wonder to my self "What the crap?". When they showed those videos on relationships and taught a whole bunch of stuff on abstinence at youth group I was thinking the same thing as everyone, "UUGGHHHH! BORING!". But it seems, that they actually did/still need to hear this. Why? There are still people getting into messes, with the starting point being the acquirement of a boy/girlfriend.

Now let's get this straight. I love girls, they are awesome, God made em, and it's natural for a guy to like em, and vice-versa. I am not against "liking" someone, or even relationships! But there's a difference between my point of view, and everyone else's it seems.

I don't think anyone under the age of 18 should have a "b/gfriend". "ZOMG" you say, why? It's probably that age you only start to actually think about who you're going to marry. Now, having a friend that you like is fine. Even if they like you back! But getting into an actual "relationship" is an incredibly dumb thing for anyone under that age to do (and even some at that age aren't ready. The thing with the age is MAINLY about maturity, which most teenagers don't have much of). I mean seriously people, I've seen it so many times and yet people continue doing it. A girl meets a guy, one or the other thinks that they OR the other "love" each other and this will last forever and then some months later it's over. It's over and one or the other (whichever has done it more gets less affected) gets their heart broken. And then what? They start the cycle AGAIN. It makes me so furious to see these people take such dumb decisions...and I'm sorry but it's true. Here's what I'm thinking.

When I like a girl, first off she will be a CHRISTIAN. All these people in youth group, who've had relationships, first off are either NOT Christians (I plan on making a teaching on this soon) or are going out with a non-christian. Anyway, I will obviously be the girl's friend, none of this love-at-first-sight crap cuz I saw someone at the mall with a Nintendo Controller belt and I know "she's the one". We will be friends, and me liking her I would like to be come a close friend (like inner circle type of friend all right?). The relationship still has some distance or separation. By the time I have a job, and am able to drive (which will be by the time I'm 18 as its going :P) THEN I'll consider something more. All your teenage years should be occupied with God, in fact, even afterwards and always should they be. My main reason for the age requirement is that I don't think you should get into a relationship unless it won't affect your relationship with God. Its all about maturity and maturity is lacking in a VERY BIG majority of teenagers nowadays. Think about it, if the person you're in a relationship with is NOT mature enough, someone becomes the other's idol. They put you before God in their life. And that sucks. You wanna be responsible for taking a guys'/girls' eyes off of God? I wouldn't. So I would willingly wait for the girl I like, and hope that she can wait for me to.

In conclusion (as I wrote this last night and probably forgot a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to write), here's a summary. Dating, a b/gfriend type relationship, is pointless unless you plan on (or considering) marrying the person (which is, as I said, probably isn't even seriously considered before the minimal age of 18). There is nothing wrong with liking someone and even being their best friend, but passing that point before you're ready isn't wise. What exactly are you looking for in a boy/girlfriend anyway? (please if you read this, post an actual comment answering this question) You can even go out on "dates" with your likened friend, but in groups (with OTHER people, prefferably more Christians as there will be less temptation this way). Alone time on a date will just lead you into wrong places/put you in tempting situations. Once you're older, you court them (now both of you know you like each other enough for marriage, so here would be the alone dating/getting to know em a lot better time), and then you get married. And hopefully like me, as corny as it sounds, I will also be able to give my virginity, to my spouse, as a gift because I waited for her. Got that?

This probably makes no sense to someone who isn't Christian (maybe to some it does), but someone who is surely must see my logic behind this. I'll probably post a lot more of the things in my mind later...

BTW I post this, knowing I gotta get closer to God, being in the same boat as a lot of you, and getting older as well. Heck, I'll be 18 the end of the month with a license and job, and I plan on getting married by the time I'm 22 (4 years) so it ain't too far off for me. Yet I'm doing my best to keep my focus on God, and I hope I can help others do the same.

Monday, January 23, 2006


You like my random words and you know it...
Another school week begins...ahh...
"I'll be coming for you anyway, Take on meeeeee, Take meeee oooooon, I'llll beeeee gooooone, DOOOOOOOOOOOO"
or something liek that, I don't know what he says on the dooo part cuz it's so high pitched. It's the song "Take on me" by A-ha. I heard it on Weebl & Bob. So yea, you know Myspace sucks? :D Call me ol' fashion but I prefer fast, multiple services over this one jumbled mess that is down for maintenance once a week. Blogger's easy, IMing is cool, the only thing Myspace is good for is for pictures, even then I'm sure there's something better for that. Like Flickr which apparently has some abilities to get into some blogs, including ones by Blogger. But you know, whatever...
In other news, I have enough money for that HTPC, or more like...LVPCTDCS (Living room PC that does cool stuff) because we don't have a home theatre. :D

Friday, January 20, 2006

Golf balls!

Does anyone even read my blog? Probably not...oh well, I'll talk to myself then!

We got some new old machines from my dad's work. 3 in fact! One had a bad harddrive, one of the two monitors is pretty much screwed, and one of the keyboards uses something older than a PS2 plug. And we don't have an adapter. THat left us with 2 comps, one which has gone to Giselle's room and become her little Edubuntu (Educatonal version of Ubuntu) machine. BTW they all had Windows, and I reformatted all the drives for Linux. ^_^ Anyway, one of the other ones is an old compaq, at 350Mhz, which I stuck in as much RAM as possible from the sticks I grabbed from the other 2. This one has a server install of Ubuntu as that's what it will be...my server. Even though Soldat is acting funky on it, it can also become my FTP server (once I set that up -.-). And the other is yet to be used. I grabbed an 80GB for my server from an old (but newer) machine my aunt gave me. That machine has a bad mobo cuz it won't boot (no video signal, its onboard) so it's here. Fatty's machine has some 4GB SCSI HDD so that's fine. My server used to have a 4GB or 10GB drive, the 4GB doesn't work, I don't know why there's a 10 lying around. Either way, it was fun messin with all of this, and I'm learning a lot of Linux command-line stuff as my server has no graphical interface (GASP!). And I LIKE IT THAT WAY!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Man, I have around $800 to spend on stuff...and I don't know on what! I wanted a new MP3 Player, preferrable one that plays video. So I was looking at the Zen Vision. Then I noticed that the new Ipod is cheaper (wth is Creative thinking) and with there being Linux for Ipod that looked very attractive. But I hate Apple, and don't want to buy an Ipod. And I also wanted something that would play games. I thought about a Nintendo DS (which also has Linux on it) especially since they got cheap (to $120, against a $250 PSP) but I played the one my cousin has and its not something super special. Plus, I'd have to buy a couple games, buying 3 would cost me around $100. Then I saw the GPX2 and thought it was perfect. Plays videos, music, and has a bunch of emulators (SNES, MAME, OMG!) but realized that the product ain't all that great at the moment, with buggy firmware affecting battery life, media playback and such...but for $200 this thing seemed sweet. I'll probably wait for a firmware to have it in a usable state for me. The only thing this doesn't have is good storage. I gotta buy an SD card (prefferably a 2GB, which would cost some $140ish) since there's no hard drive in it. So I'm very confused...why can't they just make something good...:P