So here's a map of where we went...
As you can see there, we were on the coast the whole trip. Our stops were Cartagena and Baranquilla.

Day 1: Was poop. We landed...and so we make our way through the customs or whatever at the airport. The dude who attends us asks my parents for their passports, so they give it to him. But then he asks if they have Colombian ones. Now, this guy has no reason to ask this, as a passport is a passport. Either way my parents gave him their old Colombian passport so we go through. Unfortunately for one of my aunts who also came, she got a 10 day limit, just cuz this guy seems to be rascist again American passports. :P So she's all mad and has already set the mood for the day. We go to a hotel only to find out that the room we PREPAID AND RESERVED for 2 days was taken. The hotel was actually an apartment, as they seem to rent those more. Anyway, after looking at 5 other rooms we finally decide on one, just because it was already evening and we needed a place to stay. But the place was nasty...we used our towels as bed sheets cuz the ones provided were so...iffy...

Day 2: More apartment hunting! We eventually find a good one, so we stay there. The view from the apartments are awesome cause the beach is right there. So in that second hotel, you can get on the porch and see the whole ocean, good for sunsets! We also travelled through the city by horse carriage through the night...
Day 3: We take the 2 hour drive to Baranquilla.

We stayed at an apartment that was WAY better than anything in Cartagena. You could definitely live in there...

And we checked out the mall over there...

Day 4: Zoo time!

There were some huge iguanas just battling it out on the sidewalk there too!

Anyway, after the zoo, we went over some blocks to my dad's old house, when he used to live there. And we visit this lady who lived across the street to see how they were doing and stuff. A lot of historical information about my dad's childhood and stuff was discussed. They were also just dumb-founded by my parents' marriage story, which I will post about some other time ;)
Day 5: Apparently nothing special (according to Picasa, only 3 photos for that day). Pretty much and old schoolmate of my mom and her family hung out with us in the evening. We went bowling. It was funny cuz we actually had to keep our own score on paper, no computers! ^_^
Day 6: Again, just some more travelling around, looking at possible houses or apartments we might wanna buy if we ever move there. We went to my mom's old dentist's house, and she cooked us some Coconut Rice and some special meat (don't know the english name) and there was a bowl of a yummy fruit salad too.
Day 7: Again just hanging out with my mom's old schoolmate. Her son Miguel, my sister, and I went to watch "Cheaper by The Dozen 2" spanish :P Later I was able to play BF2 again at this cool little gaming center. About 10 computers in that place, everyone playing games and stuff, we had a nice LAN game too. Then we went to eat pizza...and I kid you not, this thing was the biggest pizza I've ever seend, the whole pan had atleast a 3 foot diameter!

Day 8: Carnaval, but for the kids...and umm...Blogger just stopped working for images, so I'll post those later :P
Day 9: We take a 2 hour boat ride to an island, to check out their "Seaquarium" which is has about as much fish as a large fish shop :P They do have some cool tanks and stuff of course, sea turtles, nurse sharks, but not something super amazing...definitely not like Miami Seaquarium ;) Again pictures later...
Day 10: Time to come home!
And tehre ya have it...nothing special is exactly what I didn't like. It just took a week away of Casbar knifings...