Thursday, March 23, 2006


Oh how I long for thee!
Thy burning solar power,
smell of freedom and flower,
At last schooless I'd be!
Increase in time, useful to me,
Any minute, any hour,
to let me program in the shower!
Or up from the limbs of my green mango tree!
A few more weeks I'll have to wait,
some tests and more work must I take,
but when it's done, oh how great,
to no longer have school, the mighty ache!

Look ma! A sonnet!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I Got it...and here are some ugly webcam shots (as my sister is selfish and didn't want me using hers :P) of my new nano...

Friday, March 10, 2006


Another one of my thoughtful posts!

Ok,'s your life? Good? That's good...wait, you said not not that good? are your parents? Don't know, don't care? Whaaa..
I've noticed a very interesting pattern in the teenage life. One occuring all over America is a little somethin' known as "rebellion". Teenagers here somehow seem to come up with the idiotic idea that they know everything or that getting out of the house as soon as possible will make life wonderful. Why? It appears to me, and is quite evident, that teenagers seem to have problems with the people God placed in their life to be in authority...their parents.

I mean think about it, a BUNCH of teenagers I know wanna move out of their house ASAP, in fact, you're probably one of them. :P Why do you want to do this? This especially happens here in America because out in the spanish countries, you see kids growing up into their 20s+ with their parents.
Now look at their life. I don't know if you've ever seen a crazy spanish mom but they can be quite the scary ladies! I remember a teaching I heard by a Spanish pastor by the surname of Cash. This guy was telling a story about his mom and him's antics. It was very funny, and his mom was quite strict with him and stuff, throwing sandals at him and all. But the guy had a lot of respect for his mom, even in a bunch of her unfairness. In fact, he bought her a rollex watch (working in a spanish country, that's like...a LOT of MONTHS worth of pay) and God blessed him with that. Now I know there are some parents out there who are just plain nuts. And you're probably nodding your head and going "yup, that's me!" but no. You're probably just deceiving yourself into thinking that. Time for a Bible verse.

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. " -Ephesians 6:1-3

Notice the parts I put in bold. "Obey your parents" it says. It doesn't say "obey your parents when you know their right" or "obey your parents when you feel like it". It's plain and simple. OBEY THEM! Why?

"This is right."
Easy answer. Did you know obeying your parents is the FIRST commandment with a promise? Yea, what promise is that?

"That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. "
Very interesting. Your life, will actually be longer. Now you know why you should. Why don't you?

Well, speaking as a Christian teenager I can tell you with pure honesty that sometimes, I don't like what my parents ask of me. "Take out the garbage everyday" or just about any request dealing with the backyard will get me in bad mood. Now, what do I with this bad mood. Well, I'll tell ya what you should do. Eat it! Just DO whatever your parents ask will ya? Do you know how much trouble you'll save? If you contradict them in some glorious effort to try and revolutionize the teenage right of whatever you're just gonna screw yourself over. I mean seriously, you know that they're right, I know I'm suppose to take the garbage out, and sometimes you don't. We're still human, we will disobey at times. But do not make it some sort of freaking lifestyle where whatever your parents ask of you is shotdown before they can even get the words out of there mouth.

What's my experience like? I can tell you right now, my life is cool. No really, it is. I actually have a good relationship with my parents. I can talk to either one of em on just about everything, I never have any major issues with them, I never get grounded. Why? Well...I do my best to obey them. OMG it's so hard. I'm not a perfect child, but I have respect for my parents. I will never yell at them, call the names (in front of or behind their backs), and will do my best to obey them. Another verse:

"Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord."
-Colossians 3:20

Looks very similar to the verse above right? Except a little different.
"...obey your parents in all things..." is a key phrase here. Now, don't go taking this out of context and say that if you're parents told you to kill someone that you have to obey them. Remember, God's laws are first, THEN your parents. The other key phrase is "...this is well pleasing unto the Lord." Hear that? If you don't want to obey your parents for your parents' sake, obey them, because you MAKE GOD HAPPY. What's better than to please your wonderful Creator? Also, realize this:

"Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." -Romans 1:29-32

When I read that I was like wow...I mean look, someone who is wicked, has commited fornication, whose proud (one of the abominations, is ACTUALLY compared to someone who DISBOEYS THEIR PARENTS. It's not just some little sin guys, it's a seriously wrong thing to do, and you deserve DEATH if you do. Pretty rough huh?

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy," -2 Timothy 3:1-2

Guys, you know we're in the last days. You want to be the teenagers who deserve death? Be an example for God will ya? Obey your parents, be nice to them, do whatever it takes, just do it for God. I hope ya'll learned something, or that this will convict you in someway and that you fix whatever may be wrong with your relationships with mama and papa. I gurantee your life will be easier if you just respect them.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


This has been a Flickr Blog post test...BOOOOOP

Originally uploaded by Mastastealth.


ZOMG check out my anomalies!

-I have a half white-half black hair in my left eyebrow!
-I have a small birthmark type path of hair on my left hand!
-I have a small (and harmless :P) chalazion on my left eyelid!
-I don't eat chocalate, ice cream, cake, or coffee. Like 90% of teenagers my age ;)
-I can lick my elbow! Really, I can, my tongue just happens to be that long (I can lick the top of my goatee too)! :D

Geez, what weirdos YOU all are...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Just updating my Flickr page a bit...
I'm sooo close to buying myself a 2GB Ipod Nano. I don't know what I'm waiting for...maybe one of those tech events where Apple will release a new Ipod or something, cuz I'd hate buying one now and then next week finding I coulda gotten some 4GB wireless nano for the same price -.-

Monday, March 06, 2006


WOOO! I'm so happy! Saturday, I was working on my server all night, trying to finally get it to run as a Soldat server. Well, after running some memory tests, swapping hard drives, and constant pondering, my dad threw out the idea that perhaps it was the network card. Lo and behold, when I configured a new NIC from my sister's older computer into the server, Soldat works. It was so annoying knowing that I had a server, which I leave on 24/7, available to use as a server, but not working with the game that I wanted it to host from the beginning. And works. Awesome...

Anyway, if you get Soldat (and you should cuz its awesome) you can click the new button I made on the right side. It'll automatically connect you to my server :) BTW, the password is: tuna

Friday, March 03, 2006


Well...if you guys haven't heard, there's a new version of Windows coming out soon. It's called Windows Vista. Something new in Windows Vista is the upgraded version of Internet Explorer. It is now at version 7 (everyone who uses Windows XP is at 6, and unless you've upgraded Win98 users are at 5). Anyway, IE7 has a lot of new features and updates, thanks to a little competition known as Firefox.

UI: They've simplified the user-interface quite a bit. You can see tehre are only 2 buttons on top, back and forward. Then come the obvious Firefox resemblances. First off, they added tabs, FINALLY IE users will be able to discover the power of tabs. Most shortcuts work (Ctrl-T for new tab, Ctrl-W to close) but there are some nice features that the Tab Mix Plus extension adds in Firefox that you just can't live without. Now understand, that as I compare Firefox with IE7 I will be including my installed Firefox extensions into the mix. Why? "That's not fair" you say. Well...shutup :P A good Firefox user should know that one of the key advantages TO Firefox is the fact that there are hundreds of extensions out there to use and make your web-browsing experience better. Now I've noticed that IE7 has some "add-ons". Whether or not this is the equivalent to extensions is unknown to me, but if it is, good for IE users.

Another thing IE7 has done is standardize more things. FINALLY 24-bit PNGs with alpha channels are displayed properly. There is supposedly better support for some web standards, however, as you can see above, they got a long way to go. The page is suppose to look like this. You cann see that Firefox does a lot better, but still isn't quite there. I believe there are only 2 browsers that can properly display that page. Apple's Safari browser, and KDE's Konqueror. There is also a little feature for RSS feeds. I really liked the way the feeds were displayed. I don't believe Firefox has that good of an implementation with them, as in Firefox all it really does is update a folder in your favorites. However, I personally don't care about either browser's RSS capabilities, because I think it's pointless. RSS feeds are like a virtual newspaper. They send headlines of various articles, and then you choose which ones you want to read. Now, for instance, I have a feed for I normally don't visit that site on my browser, but I read its feeds everyday. However, I use em in Thunderbird which also has RSS capabilities. The thing I love about Thudnerbird is that you get each feed like an e-mail. You read the title (or subject), click on it and it comes up on a pane below. If I want to read more, I open the article in MY BROWSER. Now, what's the point of reading a feed in your browser, when you can just VISIT THE FRICKIN SITE?

Anyway, I appluade IE7 on its features, I gave the pop-up blocker (which was implemented in earlier IE6) on a test run to see how it compared to Firefox's.

As you can see, IE7 did BETTER than Firefox, scoring 20/100 points higher. Now that's great as pop-ups (as we all know) are very annoying. BUT there's a little problem. Popups are NOT the only annoying thing on webpages. As you can clearly see above, there was this large Yahoo text ad smack in the middle off the results. That is, there was one in IE7. You see, many Firefox users use a little tool called Adblock.
Adblock is an AMAZING extension for Firefox that blocks a messload of ads and banners on many sites. If it doesn't block one by its deafult filter options (which are very powerful) you can always right click any image and add it to the list! Even Flash animations will have a small tab on the corner incase you want to block em. And if an image is blocked on accident, you can whitelist it/or the site it's on so that you can see it! :D Hopefully someone will port an Adblock-like add-on for IE, as it makes browsing mroe enjoyable when you don't have nagging flashing banners all over a site.

All in all, IE7 is pretty good. From IE6 it's a BIG step forward in the right direction. However, for users who have used Firefox properly it's still no match. To Firefox there is nothing new or extravagantly special about IE7. Even then, I'm glad IE7 will come out, and hopefully more people will use it then the older crap version they are currently using.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


It's my parent's 21st Anniversary today! :D SO in honor of that, here's their story...

Once upon a time my mom was born, she has 4 brothers and 3 sisters. In elementary one of these sister's had a friend. She just so happened to be my dad's sister. Eventually, through that, my dad became friends with my mom's brothers. So sometime around the ages of 9 my parents first met. Now they were just aquaintances ya know? My dad was my mom's brother's friend. (I hope ya can keep up with the possessive relationship chains ^_^). Anyway, they were just regular friends who grew up together. I think around their late teens they eventually lost contact with my dad. You see, his family (mom and 3 sisters) were going to the United States. They were getting their Visas and junk all ready. Now my dad had actually gotten ENGAGED to a girlfriend of his. In fact, the reason they lost contact was because he was moving back to Bogota (mom was currently living in Baranquilla. Bogoto is smack in the middle of Colombia, Baranquilla on coast, many hours inbetween) to get married. My mom even helped him pick out rings to use for when they did. Anyway, he moved back to Bogota as his family left to the US. My mom's dad died, and so her family started moving to the US too. My mom went to Chicago while some other siblings went to Florida. Well, a month later, turns out that my dad's relationship didn't work, and the marriage was off. Now he had nothing to do in Colombia, so he moved to Florida where his family was at. Turns out, the day he gets there, my dad's sister, and my mom's sister, the first to know each other, FOUND one another in Florida. They didn't know that both just so happened to have moved to Florida. Mom's sister calls her, and mom finds out. She moves down to Florida from Chicago (where she almost gets married) in the Winter with her brother who is also moving there, so they can all get together. Mom and Dad finally are reunited, start going out, and get married some months later, this day. ^_^

Now this story belongs to my family, if you're some author/director punk who wants to steal it, I'll sue you if you make money off this w/o giving us some!