Monday, October 30, 2006


Well, there have been some updates on our moving. From what I could tell, we're going to be shipping our stuff very soon, within the next 2 weeks. Next Friday will be my last Friday at Youth Group. :( I think it's finally getting into my head that I'm leaving. My carefree attitude has done me well, but I can tell it will not sustain the whole sadness of the situation, as I will dearly miss all my friends (and even more so my closer ones, who I hope will keep in touch).

My birthday is this Sunday. I am going to be 18, which I suppose is special because you have to be that old to call in to most of the stuff on TV. I am not excited. First off, I've been way too busy to even think up of what I wanted to do to celebrate, and as of yesterday I decided to do nothing. I'm turning 18 and not celebrating. BAH. I will just use tomorrow's Youth Group Bowling Outting as my "final friend reunion" time, and enjoy it then. Secondly, the next day I have to go to the Colombian embassy and get some final paper work done I believe. Thirdly, I'll just feel the same as if I was 17. :P I'm gonna have to find a more optimistic point of view for this...

In other news, I have a teaching that I really want to share with the Youth group, but don't know if I'll be able to due to their moving into a new place. I'll probably make a blog post of the teaching some day, especially if I can't share it at Youth Group at one of the last 2 Friday's we'll be there...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Boy! This week has been pretty busy. I've been put in charge of converting all the old home videos (in VHS) into DVDs, and it is no easy task.

First off, all of the work is done on the fastest machine in the dad's! :P So I am running back and forth across the house because the computer is in his room. (I was actually thinking what if his PC and my sister's swapped places. It would make sense, as she is mainly in school, and being next to the teacher while my dad gets an actual desk for his REAL PC...but whatever...)

Anyway, so besides this new exercise I'm getting, there's also the actual process of conversion. First, I hooked up the old VCR to output via RCA into the back of the TV card we bought a while ago. One of the problems with this stuff is that to record, you have to let the whole video play in realtime! Unlike if you were ripping a DVD, I believe the speed at which it rips depends mainly on how fast your DVD drive is. Anyway, this time consuming process fortunately uses low CPU power, so I am able to convert previously recorded videos (which output to MPEG) into a smaller compressed Xvid format.

So the process is:
-Record video tape on computer
-Convert recorded video into a smaller file (Xvid)
-Burn video on DVD
-Move Xvid video on 200GB hard-drive in mom's machine & Delete from dad's

Oddly enough, my dad's computer rejected a 200GB drive for no apparent reason. So now instead of being able of just saving it there on that machine, I gotta whip out my 80GB external passport drive, jam the videos in there, and THEN transfer to the main drive. My dad doesn't want to clutter his machine with the videos as he will probably be using that machine as a work computer when we get to Colombia.

So I believe that is enough reading for you today. Go play some video games or something.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So, I was trying to run BeUp, a homebrew MSN client for the DS. The latest version supposedly fix a bug that was brought up, because Microsoft changed the MSN servers, so the client never logged on. Unfortunately, when I ran the program, it corrupted my whole flash card. Luckily, I looked for a recovery program on Snapfiles before I reformatted (because I HAD to get back all my saves, like Big Brain and Metroid Prime), and found PC Inspector File Recovery. Awesomely enough, I was able to recover everything (except the videos, I don't know what happened, but I guess I didn't select that folder to recover) so I had all my data safe. Now I know to back up my card more often. :P

Also, I'm looking forward to seeing this thing getting released, as I rather have a see-through/black DS, with louder speakers and stronger hinge. Depending how much it is of course. ;)

Friday, October 06, 2006


Ok, here is a status update of me!

Uhm...well, my first week of not-work has been fairly...boring. Hanging out with friends is hard when they're all in school. :P I have however been hard at work with many things. For instance, I finished an animation for my comic the other day. That was pretty hard to make, atleast 3 hours were spent on that final frame-by-frame animation, that only lasts about...15 seconds? -.- I'm also working on a poster for our General, Saptiva. She loves pirates and hence it is a piraty poster.

I still think I need to add something there on the left. A word of sorts, be it "YARR!" or "75AD", but I don't know...

And now, for the geekier news:
All right, so I've updated both of my machines (desktop and laptop) to Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10. The laptop upgrade went a lot smoother than it did on the laptop, as I had to completely reformat and reinstall Ubuntu on my desktop. Whatever. Anyway, after getting both all nice and setup, I installed the Nvidia beta drivers on both of them so I could use Beryl without XGL. After some more tweaking, I got both of them running it silky smooth, and it all looks great. And so ends another adventure in Linux.