Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I just got bit on my left foot 5 times by a mosquito, within the last half hour. How do they get me!? So stealthy...

Monday, March 26, 2007


That was the total weight of my comptuer parts...65 lbs. What did it cost to get here? $215. Ouch. Should be here around Saturday/Monday.

Custom Robo Arena is an awesome DS game.

Facebook is pretty neat. I don't know why more people don't use it. Myspace is ugly as crap and is limited. Facebook is so clean and has a lot of cool features, and feels so SAFE. No spam from a bunch of crazy people I don't even know. Great privacy features. I was also able to get it to import my blog posts, so now I don't have to manually type them into Facebook as separate posts. Now if I can figure out how to get Xanga to just mirror my actual blog...:P

I'm hungry. Feed me?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Well, my aunt will be shipping my PC to me soon, hopefully by tomorrow, but probably in the next few days, MEANING it should be here by the end of next week. Awesome.

I finished another campaign in my tournament. Our division won, like usual! ;) The last battle was intense, but it was awesome.

Anyway, not much else to say...or at least, I can't remember anything. I don't know if I mentioned it, but I "beat" Rocket Slime. There are still some things I can do, but technically I finished the game. ^_^

I also downloaded a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game for my DS, based off of the new movie coming out. It's not that great, I wouldn't buy it.

There are a couple of games coming out for the Wii (Cooking Mama, Medal of Honor Vanguard, and Super Paper Mario) that I can't afford right now, but would love to get! X-D

Thursday, March 15, 2007


First off, let me say, colloidal silver is the best frickin' medicine on Earth. I woke up with a nasty sore throat, and a weird one at that. Just in the back of my mouth, not exactly in the neck area like usual. Anyway, after eating breakfast and lunch, it gets a little better, but then my mom gives me a cup with a little colloidal silver, and MAAAAANNN...instant throat-cleanser. Of course, it's not a miracle healing liquid, and the soreness comes back after a while, but it's awesome because in the multiple cases I've used it, it provides an INSTANT relief and then also helps take the soreness away. Something about silver and how it kills bacteria. Anyway, I just love that stuff...

Anyway, the topic of friendship has popped up quite a bit in my head. Paula recently posted something about a couple of her friends, I recently talked to my cousin Victor and the topic came up. I mentioned something that he agreed with, and that was that there are not enough synonyms in English to describe the different levels of friendships.

You see, most people call anyone they know relatively well, a "friend". I've recently (as in the past years :P) have noticed this is an overly used word. You see, friends should be people you are close to. People you talk to quite a bit, hang out, stuff like that. I think it takes a certain level of bonding between 2 people to consider each other as friends. So here goes my list of levels:

Acquaintance: These are people you have met in this past few minutes. You know their name, maybe age, and another detail or two, but that's it.

Personal Acquaintance: This type of person, for instance, is one that needs a specific word for. I'll refer to them as a "Perquaint" for now. A perquaint was an acquaintance that you got to know. You know a little more than a name now, and you can talk to them about different things. You are probably just learning about their interests, and maybe what they plan on doing in the future/already working as. A perquaint can also be used to refer to a friend of your friend. Like, you don't really know them, but you can discuss things you saw on the news or whatever if your friend leaves the room, leaving you two alone. After a while it may get awkward (unless you really get along quickly) and you need to call your friend back.

Homies: Homies, for a lack of a better word, are probably a majority of what people consider "friends". For instance, I would consider half of my old youth group "homies". You can talk to any of them, maybe even about some personal stuff, but really your relationship is a bit shallow (not in a bad way, just, it's not a deep friendship). You probably don't call each other, only see them every once in a while (weekly through monthly) but you know quite a bit about them as well, and probably leave each other Myspace messages. You should also have an idea of what month their birthday is in.

Buddies: Buddies near the level of "Friend" but are not quite there yet. You probably hang out sometimes, chat up on instant messengers a bit, but private matters normally aren't revealed too much between each other. I would consider online friends right around the "buddy" level. For instance, I have a bunch of buddies from my tournament in 21CW. I talk to many of them almost everyday, we play online together, and we make jokes about each other without taking offense. Sometimes, we even learn some personal things, a little about their family or something, but it's usually not something you discuss to often. Anyway, I think "buddy" should replace friend as the common word. Why?

Friend: Friends...these are people you talk to all the time, have such a close bond you share secrets with each other, you got too many inside jokes, etc. The Bible has an example of friends, David and Jonathan. I believe it mentions something (if not there, then in Proverbs) that a good friend, can be closer than a BROTHER. Wow. Can you really use "friend" on as many people as you probably do? I can tell you right now, I've only had 2 real friends. Malcolm, who I use to go to School with from 2nd-4th grade, and Michael, who anyone in youth group (or Cornerstone ;D) should know. And yet, even though they were friends at one point, prolonged lack of contact can still lower them in the levels of friendship. I wouldn't consider it as a bad thing or anything, friendships aren't just any little thing. Right now I wouldn't consider Michael less than a buddy, and Malcolm, seeing as how it's been more than 5 years since I've even spoken to him, I'd consider a homie, both of which, with some time, could rise back to "friend" level quickly. Also, though probably dealt with different, a girl/boyfriend would hover around this level as well. Also, even if, for example, you had a girlfriend, you could still have another "friend" who is a girl as well. Being friends requires TIME, without that the bond is easily weakened. Either way, a "friend" is quite an important thing for someone, and I think that it should be used a lot less than it is. Finally:

This about the ultimate level, which you can obviously only have one of. A spouse is your best friend in life. I mean, you're gonna be with this person for some 50+ years about everyday right? Of course, not every married couple has their level of friendship where it should be, but a good couple tops the list of "friendshipity".

Anyway, hope none of my buddies who somehow find this post get mad or anything. Especially now being in a different country, I doubt anyone would be able to consider me a friend. A buddy? Sure. Nothing wrong with that. Less? I don't mind. If we talk enough we can climb our way up to buddies as well. As for friends, I sure hope I can find some down here, but I'm sure it'll be a while. :P

Oh yea, and I finally finished coloring this.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Ooh boy! Here comes a round of updates, reviews, and random junk...

Check out the title: "Sync". With a funny misspelling that would be a cool name for some social network site right? mrgreen "Keep in 'Sync' with your friends..."

On Saturday morning, I have successfully emptied my bank account by buying a brand new computer. Well, you know, a bunch of parts to make myself a new computer. razz I'd give you specs, but you probably don't know what they are or what it means. So let's just say it's awesome and cost a lot of money. wink

But I guess, incase you do know...
Intel Core 2 Duo e6600 (2.4Ghz dual-core)
eVGA 680i SLI motherboard (this and the above processor bundled gave me a free copy of Supreme Commander!)
2GB DDR2 PC2-8800 (Memory)
250GB Seagate Perpendicular SATA Drive (Harddrive)
320MB Geforce 8800GTS (out performed it's 640MB brother, a graphics card, comes with Call of Duty 2)
Creative Audigy X-fi Sound card (for sound)
Corsair 650W modular Power Supply (Yay, modular cables)
and I guess that's it. Case, DVD drive, and I'll use my current keyboard/mouse/monitor for now.

Speaking of which, one of my main catalysts in buying a new rig was my recently purchased copy of Supreme Commander...
The game, is just like Total Annihilation, except prettier. The graphics however do take a BIG toll on my machine, and so I'm buying a new one to get this game running silky smooth (which it probably won't, but it'll run way better than it does now, which is just acceptable). Although, I still need quite a bit of practice on multiplayer, as I've only won 2 games against really new guys, and 1 because my opponent disconnected from the game. razz Here's a screenshot (not from my machine, just from the game) so you can see how it looks like:

Another game which I just spent my weekend on is a DS game called "Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime". This must be one of the first RPGs I've ever come close to completing.

Rocket Slime
is a strange little game , where you play as a blue slime, whose city "Boingburg" gets owned by a bunch a group of platypus called "the Plob". They kidnap just about everyone in the city and you have to go find all of them. Along the way, you find a hidden tank that you can summon with a flute, and you battle out other bosses' tanks with it. The game is very fun and some of the slimes are just awesome.

Laslty, I just registered an account on Facebook. So if you've finally gotten tired of the UGLY, spamtastic, ad-invaded Myspace, come over here. rolleyes

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007


My aunt is coming on Wednesday for some dental work. And she is bringing my copy of Supreme Commander. I've been waiting since Feb. 22nd for that sucker. How I hope I get it in 2 days...-_-

Thursday, March 01, 2007


My parents have been married for 22 years today. Wow...go them!