Monday, December 04, 2006



Anyway, so I've been playing my new Nintendo, especially Excite Truck. That game rocks. Anyway, you get ranked on every course, A-D (maybe F, but I never got one), but there is also S, which is better than an A. Ok, and so there are 4 cups, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each, has 4 tracks. Now, if I complete all 4 tracks in a cup with an S grade, the cup turns into this star thing. I've unlocked some cars and such, and so I'm at the last cup (Platinum) with one track to finish, and another to get an S grade (I can't get past an A). ALL of this, is one the normal level "Excite". I suppose once I finish this, it'll unlock the "Super Excite" level, and I'll do it all over! :P

Also, I've been playing with my laptop quite a bit. I decided to install some IDEs and libraries, all in case I feel like programming something. In addition to that, I was just trying to compile DSLinux for my DS. Problem was, it failed...why? I ran out of space on my Linux partition (I have Windows and Ubuntu on my hard drive, I think Ubuntu has 9GB). So I shrank my Windows partition a bit, and in an attempt to resize my Linux partition, I ran into some problems...

First, I can't resize the partition backwards! I don't know why, and the programs I'm using (all based off of one called Parted) won't move the partition either! GAH! And when I tried to do some deletion and stuff, I apparently screwed up the numbering order of the partitions, and I had to reinstall GRUB (my boot loader). Now, I am currently backing up my Ubuntu install onto my portable drive, and getting ready to reinstall it.

I don't expect you to understand what I said...just smile and nod. :D

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