Monday, December 11, 2006


TADA! Time to post some more in-depth reviews of my games for my Wii!

First up, Wii Sports:

Wii Sports comes prepackaged with the Wii, as game to pretty much show off what the Wii is basically about. It gets all the sensitivity, gyroscoping, motion sensing stuff going, and ALSO shows what a fun, family/friend game should be like. Wii Sports comes with 5 games. Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, and Boxing. All the games are very fun, though I personally seem to enjoy Bowling (and recently Golf) more, while my sister and dad love Boxing (dad also likes Bowling).

With Tennis, Baseball, and Golf, you can safely assume how they use the remote with it. It's as simple as swinging it around. Of course, in Golf, for instance, how hard you swing will determine the strength of your in-game swing. In Tennis and Baseball it's all about timing. With bowling, you hold down the back trigger on the remote, swing and release the button, to simulate actually throwing it. And for boxing, you get to whip out that nunchuck controller and get to the funny punching. You actually have to hold up the 2 controllers up in your face and punch! It can also detect (though it does get a little funky at times) your uppercuts or swipes.

I think Nintendo should release a sequel to Wii Sports, with more advanced gameplay. As it is now, Wii Sports is very simple, and I understand as it's the first game that anyone will experience for the Wii. It's very easy for parents to play, and that's the whole point. BUT, for those gamers who find it to simple, the advanced version could add a couple of things. For instance, in Tennis, all you get to do is swing. Your character moves back and forth by himself. Also, the power of your swing doesn't determine anything, it's just the timing of it. With the nunchuck controller, and advanced Tennis could use the analog stick for movement, and perhaps they could add the power-sensing on the remote. Or in golf, add a couple more clubs and options for a course creator or something. Baseball, perhaps they could let you play an actual 9 innings, and sense the power of your swing as well? Or even let you throw a curveball by turning the remote instead of just holding a button. Things like that!

All in all, the game is very fun, and has nice graphics and sounds as well. One of the coolest things though, is how you are able to create your own character for the Wii! They are called "Mii"'s and everyone in my family has their own. So far, the only other people we've made are Jose and Zarster (Danish friend). Eventually we'll probably fill it up with all our friends! :D

Secondly, Excite Truck:

This game's best comparison could probably be Burnout. However, it does focus more on the racing part instead of the crashing (though there are 3 minigames, one of which is a crashing arena). The game looks great, and the speed of it is quite exhilarating. The rock music adds a lot to the intense racing atmosphere, though some tracks seem to get repetitive. Speaking of tracks, there aren't that many of them. Despite you doing about 20 races in the first level (there are 2 levels, Excite and Super Excite) the 20 tracks are actually based off of a core 5 or 6 tracks. There's the Desert, Green Castle, Snowy, Island, and China tracks, and from there the other tracks just mess with that basic core (for instance, one Island tracks has a different path than the other, or could be backwards with some terrain differentiation).

There are about 15 cars or so, 3 of which you get on the start, the rest you must unlock. Most of the unlocks are pretty worthless though, atleast...I only use 2 of mine (one which has amazing air, the other great speed and turbo). The rest are just slightly better at something, and slightly worse at something else (each car has a vertain level of sped, turbo, air, and grip). You can also unlock a different paint job for each car, depending on how many times you've raced with it.

As mentioned earlier, there are 2 levels, Excite and Super Excite. As I've also mentioned in a previous post, each level has 4 cups, Bronze up to Platinum. Each cup has 4 tracks you race in. Each race will be graded, from D up to S grade, and by getting all S's in every track, in all the cups, you get to unlock Super Excite. Super Excite is an even FASTER paced version with an extra cup, Diamond. So far, i've only just unlocked Super Excite mode...

There are also 3 minigames (or Challenges, as they are called). One involves you driving through 2 pillars of light, through out the track (which gets harder as they narrow down the further you go). Another is about Rings. In the game, you can hit these switches throughout the track that change the terrain or add rings at the end of a ramp, and if you fly through all the rings, you get special bonuses. That's pretty much what that minigame is about. The last one puts you in a track, but an arena version of it, and is about smashing the other cars. I haven't played much of these, as I've been too busy racing! ;)

I'd definitely recommend buying Excite Truck, I'm sure on multiplayer it would be even better.

Phew! I'll write a review about Red Steel, a first person shooter game later. And perhaps get some pictures too...

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