Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Triple Dose

Hurray, another post.

So, yesterday we went too Jose's house. Nothing to exciting happened, we just hung out and talked, played some Parchessi, some Wii, and talked. I felt bad leaving a little early (around 7:45) because he really wanted us to stay later, but I was getting HUNGRY. That and I need to pop up in my tournament at least once this week since I won't be there for the next 2. :P Oh well. Today we complete the triad of visits by going over the Sisters' house. So...

Sunday - My house, some other people from the group, Carolina and Jose
Monday - Again, but just Carolina and Jose
Tuesday - Jose's House, just me and Giselle since Carolina was occupied.
Today - Carolina's house, hopefully they remember to call Jose, since it planned last night. :P

What about my checklist for the visit?

-Bring and Use my Gamestop giftcard
-Send RMA Request to Newegg before leaving, ship my bad memory ASAP.
-Order USB key off Newegg for Lisette.
-BUY JUNK FOOD. Need to buy bags of Gumdrops, box of sugar cookies, and Donuts.
-EAT MORE FOOD. Visit Cici's Pizza, Vocelli's, Steak and Shake, and Dairy Queen once again.
-Drive. I need to speed on 595 or down Flamingo again, haven't touched the wheel for almost a year now. o_o

...and of course, visit the Youth Group. Something I really regret is the fact I didn't take (or bother my sister) to take more pictures of everything. I mean, the group here is incredibly photogenic (in the sense that, they love to be in front of a camera) so I got plenty of shots to show my friends in the US of them. However, the same is not true the other way. I can't find any photos of my old youth group, or even of MYSELF. Then again, I'm pretty sure I can blame all that on Giselle, since she was the only one with a camera at the time and seeing as how she's the worst person to rely on to share the photos...>_>

*adds bring Camera to the list

Lastly, here's a video I promised of the group dancing to that crazy Rednex song, Cotton-Eye Joe:

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