Saturday, May 14, 2005

So much stuff to say...

Wow, yesterday was awesome. Andrew Phillip was doing worship, he has such a heart for God. And something he said struck me, he said that if you were a friend of Jesus, you would tell someone about Him. Wow. Its's so true, and yet...we don't do it. So I'll do it now. I thought hard about what I would say about Him, without being excessively boring, pushy, or lame. So I couldn't think about it. ;) And thank God he already wrote something for me! :D

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Guys, that all you would need to know. God loves us, and he sent his only Son to die for our sins. Humankind is sinful, and we'll never be good enough for Heaven. But Jesus was, he was perfect, and as the perfect sacrifice, he cleaned ALL of our sins. All you need to do is believe that to get to Heaven. How I wish you all could believe that, though I know some won't. And soon, all of those who believe in God, will be gone. One day, and you guys PLEASE remember this, millions of people around the world will disappear, all of them Christian. You'll probably hear weird stuff like aliens, or just strange things like that, but guys, it was the rapture, and God just took everyone of his people into heaven. The thing was, we know this is gonna happen, the Bible said it hundreds of years ago (read Revelations if you want). If you guys ever have ANY questions, feel free to ask. I know I sound, and all this may sound crazy, but I love God guys, and I love all of you too, I just want all of you to know. I'm not gonna "preach" at you, as that's not how it works. God gave us a free will, and YOU have decide to believe it. All I can do is tell you about Him, as I just did above. So I just hope that my life helps show an example of a child of God, and I thank God for doing everything for me. God thank you! You're so frickin' awesome! :D

Also, just wanna give my props out to my 502IB (that's what 10AD is now known as for campaign 10) teammates, we won/tied 3 outta 4 of the Best of the Best Competition sections, you guys are the bestest!

One of you better give me a shirt...(*stares at Smitty)

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