Thursday, May 05, 2005

You was optical illusion'd!

Ok guys, this is a cool optical illusion I had saved on my drive. First click on the iamge to get the full sized image. I guess you could do it without full size, but w/e. Anyway, look at both real quick and you see they look pretty much the same, but the right side is more blurred and light. Ok, now stare at the one at the left, at the lil red dot in the middle, for 30 seconds. Then look at the middle of the on on the right. The right side completely fades away! :D Posted by Hello


Euangelion said...

dude I have never seen an illusion so complete! ususally they just do little things like move or something, omg everywhere I look I see the freaking thing!

Stealth said...

So uh...did it work? :D